Sarada Sarita, Chilean/Dutch 1987, The Netherlands- was born into creativity, music, dance and performing arts. During her studies at the Performing Arts Institute she gained a lot of experience with a variety of performing art disciplines. Sarada Sarita graduated in 2008 and has been performing, teaching and creating professionally ever since. Starring in, choreographing & teaching for Dance-Theater Productions, Musicals, Commercials, Events, Tv-Shows, Artists and Dance Academies and Schools.
Growing up in a creative multi cultural dancer, musician family she and her sisters were born into music & movement. Together with her two older sisters she inherited their mothers dance school when she passed away in 2010. Sarita and her sisters are proud owners & teachers of the dance school BMJ: Balletschool Marut Jorquera, winner of The Culture Award Prize 2013 & 2019.
Besides her love for the performing arts and a variety of dance styles, she always kept gravitating towards the underground street & club dance scene. The messages of justice, equality and female empowerment stood close to her heart. In 2009 Sarita became part of “Femme Lethal”, the female dance crew inspired by Waacking & Voguing, mentored by Archie Burnett. SaSa and the femmes felt very connected to these dance cultures and their stories. The more this connection grew, the more Femme Lethal and the scene around them grew. They slowly start carrying the position of pioneers - trailblazers - of this scene in their country. Given this position SaSa felt an even stronger need to dive deeper into these dance cultures at the source.
In 2012 she received a development scholarship Fonds Podium Kunsten, to study at the International Student Program - Peridance Centre & Art of Alignment Structural Integration by Anne-Marie Duchene in New York. Thats where her love and understanding for Club & Street Dance Culture really developed deeply. Under the guidance of the pioneers, legends and amazing mentors and coaches she studied there till 2013 and received a working artist visa till 2016 for her extraordinary talent.
Now based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, she continues to build on her love and passion for these dance styles, cultures, communities and stories. SaSa actively participates, supports and contributes as much she can. She organises, teaches, judges and participates at balls, jams and battles, receiving titles and grand prizes as a consequence. SaSa loves to share how it has and continues to empower her and many others and is passionate about creating a platform for the style and culture.
Whenever she can she combines this passion with her work as a professional dance teacher, choreographer, theater maker and performer. In 2018 she won the prize ‘Most Impressive Stage Performance’ for her interpretation of the Witch in “GRIMM” by Ish Dance Collective & The Junior Company- Dutch National Ballet. Sarada Sarita gives credit to her teachings and discipline in Waacking & Vogue Performance.
In 2017 Sarada Sarita received the New Maker Funding by Performing Arts Fund to develop herself. As a maker & choreographer Sarada isn’t afraid to speak out, make statements or ask difficult questions about humanity, equality and consciousness. Her focus as a developing maker lies in bringing these dance styles en cultures together with other art forms and platforms.
In her latest work as a new maker, ‘Q4: Quantified’, Sarada Sarita uses her experiences with New Way Vogue (a category within Vogue Performance) as the inspiration. Q4: Quantified won the BNG Bank Dance Prize 2019 and toured the end of the year thanks to this prize and initiative by DansClick21- Korzo.
Sarada Sarita's trajectory ended with a life changing research trip to South America beginning 2020 researching indigenous culture, wisdom and nature > and a new trajectory as a house choreographer at Korzo Production wil start 2021-2025.
Her first creation is: A Movies series named:
Q5~The Quintessentials > Premiering 2024!
the second piece she created is "sapiens" a live music and dance performance at the beach during sunset!
her latest work is in Basque with the company dantzaz and the musicians Oreka Tx where she created a theater piece named "Verdantz" premiering oktober 28th 2023!